Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I have been waiting and waiting to hear from my home group from church as to when Alpha class ends so I can learn when regular home group will start meeting again, and at which house. I figure surely Alpha is over by now. Not once has anyone from group contacted me to see what's been going on, how we're doing, nothing. If any of them read my blog, may they think I left so they are done speaking with me. But that is no reason to give up a friendship. The bigger question I have is has it not occurred to anyone that could I just have been having a really horrid day, my pain levels been through the roof, been up for a few days straight, or had a couple dozen seizures already that day by the time I started writing.

Any of those are a strong possibility, but not getting a phone call, an email, a text message, a post card, nothing, for the last few months makes me feel lower than I have ever felt in my entire adult life, hands down. Never has a group made me feel so insignificant and unworthy.

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