Monday, September 24, 2007

Phone tag, I'm not it

I've been having difficulty with playing phone tag with the cardiothoracic surgeon. I tried again around 30 minutes ago. His assistant actually answered, and admitted she thought the dr was going to call me so she never followed through to see what the notes said (if he wanted her to call me, was she to set up the last couple of tests as pre-op, or go ahead and book for surgery). She again apologized (isn't THAT getting old) and said she was going to wave it in front of his face and ask for "specific" details on what to do.

Sigh. Onto another day.


  1. What a bummer. Well, I hope he will call you again, so you can get on with what ever must be done. I'm sure the waiting is bugging you.

  2. get photos , you will hook up with him soon or later. Keep us posted . Are those your kids in the photos . They sure are cuties.

  3. Yes they are my kids. He is 6, she is 5. 1st grade and Kinder. :) Thank you!

  4. God heal your pain and rain down His healing spirit upon your body. Please Lord Jesus, make a change in Keesha tonight, bless her with healing. In Jesus' Name
